Over the last decade or two there has been a growing body of evidence suggesting that the food we eat has a direct effect on our bodies’ ability to maintain health. It is even thought to influence the cards we are dealt, our genes. Many diseases that were previously thought to be due to genetics or had unknown causes are now emerging as primarily food-borne illnesses. These include diseases like irritable bowel disease, MS, hypothyroidism, heart disease, diabetes, SLE, and even cancer to name a few. The evidence has also started to show how ineffective western medicine has been in treating these conditions. This is where functional nutrition comes in.
Functional nutrition, or medical nutrition, is a treatment that involves individualized nutrition and supplement plans to allow your body to heal and achieve a state of optimal health. It involves a search for your specific underlying cause of disease and addresses it directly. At the Harmonic Confluence Healing Arts Centre our doctors are well trained in this craft and are ready to help you achieve this level of well-being. When functional nutrition is implemented effectively and maintained it can help, not only with chronic disease but has benefits like weight loss, detoxification, and increased energy. If you are one of the many who suffer with a chronic condition or just feel sick and don’t know why, there is an answer and functional nutrition can find it.