Some of the most common back pain problems you may be suffering from:
Causes of Back Pain
Causes of Low Back Pain
Back Pain and Lower Extremity Pain often get put into one category, but the causes, and therefore the treatments, can be very different.
Lower Extremity Pain is pain that radiates from the lower back and is usually the result of pressure on a nerve. The pain is often in the distribution area which the nerve supplies. Often, whatever causes the lower extremity pain can also cause low back pain, and vice versa.
Lower Back Pain is often related to the mechanics of the spine, often caused by muscle strain, arthritis, trauma, osteoporosis or a fracture. Back pain can also be caused by many different diseases and conditions, some of the more serious being cancer, tumors, neoplasm, inflammatory arthritis and infection. There are also a number of more common conditions that can cause back pain. Here at The Joint Treatment Centre there are a range of services that can reduce your back pain, such as Chiropractic Adjustments and Spinal Decompression.
Poor posture is one of the most common causes of back pain. We are all designed to be a specific way, but the common routines of everyday life cause us to develop a poor posture. As our posture weakens, it puts more stress on our mechanical set up, and the result is often pain. At The Joint Treatment Centre, our Chiropractic Adjustments can help improve posture and provide back pain relief.
Injuries and accidents are another common cause of back pain. Overuse of muscles and joints, or improper use (poor lifting technique) of muscles and joints often leads to stresses and strains being placed on the muscle groups along the back. Continuous misuse of these muscle groups will eventually lead to sever back pain. At The Joint Treatment Centre, our Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) can help reduce back pain through deep tissue massage treatments.
Stress when you experience stress, your bodies initial reaction is to tighten. The pressure of these tightening muscles has a knock on effect on the adjoining nerves and ligaments. This stress on the body can result in severe back pain and joint pain. Experiencing continuous stress can have a lasting effect on your bodily health, both mentally and physically. The Joint Treatment Centre provide a range of services that can help alleviate stress and provide back pain relief. Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) can help reduce muscle tension and also it’s massaging techniques can help reduce a persons stress. sEMG Scanning can evaluate if any stressful experiences has had any lasting effect on the nerves along the spine.
Ageing is another common cause of back pain. As people progress through life, the continuous wear and tear of their body can often lead them to experience pain. Most people think that this is just a way of life and that treatment will not provide pain relief, but that is not the case! It is true that muscles weaken and joints dry out as we get older and this can affect the nerves around the spine. The resulting issues include pain, numbness, weakness and pins and needles. Common causes of pain in elderly people are a result of trapped nerves or degenerative disc disease (spinal stenosis). Trapped nerves can often cause pain in areas unrelated to the source. This condition is known as sciatica. Sciatica is caused by injury to or pressure on the sciatic nerve, which is located at the base of the spine. An individual with sciatica will often experience pain around the hips or in the legs, even though the source of the pain comes from the lower back. At The Joint Treatment Centre, we provide a range of services to treat sciatica and other pain symptoms brought about by the ageing process, such as Chiropractic Adjustments and Spinal Decompression. Just because you’re getting older, doesn’t mean you can’t lead an active and healthy life. Pain isn’t a part of the ageing process!
Medical conditions are among the most common causes of back pain that our patients suffer from. An extensive list of the different conditions that we treat can be found here. The Joint Treatment Centre provide Chiropractic Adjustments, Spinal Decompression and Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) to assist in providing back pain relief for patients suffering from back pain as a result of medical conditions.
If you suffer from back pain or feel that you could benefit from any of the services mentioned above, please do not hesitate to contact either of our clinics for more information. Call our Dublin Treatment Centre on 01 412 4754, or Dundalk Treatment Centre on 042 938 6460.