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Everyone wants to know what the “ideal” or “optimal” Values should be.
This is a perfectly logical question. But PLEASE note that is a very simple question with very complex answer…
Think of it this way: The range of body temperature is 92-108F (or 32-45C), and the “ideal” body temperature is supposed to be 98.6F (or 37C) and the closer you get to either bookend the more likely symptoms will appear. And the closer you are to “ideal” the better. But there will always be variation among individuals so do not look at lab values in a vacuum apart from individual symptoms.
The “Full Monty” Blood Panel w/ Vitamins A & D measures the following markers. (Included below is a short description of what each test is measuring, and what I consider to be the “ideal” values for each. But PLEASE remember the caveat at the beginning of this page.
- Iron
- Serum Ferritin
- USA & Metric: ~20-50 ng/mL
- This measures the protein that stores Iron in the tissues.
- Serum Iron
- USA: ~100 ug/dL for women, ~120 ug/dL for men
- Metric: ~17.9 mmol/L for women, ~21.5 mmol/L for men
- This measures “efficiency” of Iron; similar to measuring miles-per-gallon (MPG) in a car.
- Total Iron-binding Capacity (TIBC)
- USA: ~285 ug/dL for women, ~340 ug/dL for men
- Metric: ~51 ug/dL for women, ~60.9 ug/dL for men
- If reported as “% Saturation”, should be 25-30%
- This measures how many “docking stations” are available for Iron.
- Serum Transferrin
- USA: ~300 mg/dL, or ~3.0 g/L
- Metric: ~1.35 mmol/L
- This measures the key “transport” protein that “recycles” Iron from tissue back into the blood stream.
- Hemoglobin
- USA: ~12.5 g/dL for women, ~13.5 g/dL for men
- Metric: ~125 g/L for women, ~135 g/L for men
- A protein responsible for transporting Oxygen.
- Copper
- Serum Ceruloplasmin
- USA: ~35-40 mg/dL
- Metric: ~0.35 g/L
- A marker of “bio-available” Copper, which regulates Iron.
- Serum Copper
- USA: ~100 ug/dL
- Metric: ~15.7 umol/L
- Measures the total amount of Copper in your blood.
- Serum Ceruloplasmin
- Serum Ferritin