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Skin Health and the Sun
It’s time to rethink our relationship with the sun, being careful to differentiate between marketing and science. . Thanks to the work of many world class scientists like Bernard Ackerman MD, Elizabeth Plourde PHD and researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden shows that direct exposure to the sun is extremely important for optimal health, and that sunscreens are a biohazard to our bodies and the environment.
Dr Mark recommends these articles:
Avoiding Sun Exposure is Dangerous
Before anyone puts on sunscreen PLEASE watch the short video and go to the following web site. Understand that sunscreen is to skin cancer what margarine was to heart disease. We were taught by the best medical people that a toxin (margarine) was heart health. We now know that is actually caused heart disease. Now we find out that sun screen causes skin cancer as well as many other unwanted conditions.