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NSAIDs–like ibruprophan– are synthetic drugs that cause ill health.
Of the over 100,000 people are hospitalized in the United States each year with gastrointestinal bleeding from taking NSAIDs, and 16,500 of them die.
As amazing as that is, the full picture is even more revealing.
NSAIDs can increase the risk for illness in many different parts of the body, and they can interfere with the body’s natural healing process. Overuse can trigger a spiral of inflammation that results in autoimmune disease.
And here’s the shocker: Some people who take NSAIDs over a long period of time may actually worsen the underlying condition that causes their pain and inflammation.
These type of synthetic chemicals inhibit natural and important functions of the body.
This way of treating our pain, fever, and inflammation, also negatively affects other critically important functions throughout the body, with the resulting problems such as renal and cardiac risks, leaky gut (which a critical factor in almost any problem one can think of), bleeding ulcers, joint deterioration (notice we are taking a drug to relieve symptoms it is causing!!!!!!) and improper healing of broken bones.
The good news is there are an abundant number of life supporting natural products we can use!!!